Archive for ‘Harold and Kumar’

Naughty Not Nice: 10 Very Cheeky Holiday Movies to Watch on Netflix and Elsewhere

by Adam Fay • posted on

Christmas isn’t easy. All the stress, the spending, the forced family time, the endless Mariah Carey on repeat…god help us…so much Mariah. Sometimes you need something a little darker and more cynical to take the edge off the festive season. We hear you, so we’ve swapped some of the “warm and fuzzies” for a few “cold and nasties”. These are the 10 most naughty, cheeky and nasty Christmas movies available to watch right now.

9 Times Big Stars Had the Epic Role of Playing Themselves

by Drew Frimston • posted on

Actors have a challenging job, spending years refining their craft, putting themselves in the mind of characters created by writers and directors. Sometimes though, they get the opportunity to simply play themselves, often in an over the top and hilarious manner.