Archive for ‘Players’

Fetch’s Favourite TV Shows of 2022

by Andrew Buckle • posted on

It’s that time of the year again when we wrack our brains trying to remember everything we have watched in the last 12 months and pick out the cream of the crop. Below is a glimpse of the Fetch editors’ favourite television viewing of the year, made up of a mix of brand new series and returning shows with new seasons. Take a look and see if any strike a chord with you, then seek out ones you may have missed.

Six Hidden Gems to Stream on Paramount+

by Andrew Buckle • posted on

From the huge catalogue on Paramount+, which includes movies and television shows from under the umbrellas of the Paramount+ Exclusive, Showtime, Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon brands and more, we have picked out a selection of gems – both new and old – that might have slipped under the radar and we wholeheartedly recommend.