6 TV Mums Who May Not Deserve Mother’s Day

Adam Fay,

This Mother’s Day give your mum an extra long hug and thank your lucky stars she is nothing like these TV mums. Some lack the basics in parental kindness, others are just plain mean!

Would you bring breakfast in bed to these questionable television matriarchs? Join us as we look at some of their most dubious moments to determine if they are in fact, Mother’s Day worthy.

Betty Draper – Mad Men

Bad Mother Moment:

After Betty Draper’s daughter Sally is caught in a compromising position at a friends house and is promptly brought home by the friends mother, Betty does away with mother/daughter niceties and instead makes a threat that would stop any kid in their tracks.

Bad Mother Quote:

“Don’t you dare lie to me, I’ll cut your fingers off!”

Mother’s Day Worthy?

Yikes, that escalated quickly. I think we’ll skip Mother’s Day for Betty this year. God help us we get her a present she doesn’t like…first our fingers, then our toes…what’s next?

Lucille Bluth – Arrested Development

Bad Mother Moment:

Her son Michael tricks her into a stint at rehab to combat her clearly disturbing alcoholic tendencies. Instead of seeing this gesture as coming from a place of kindness and caring, Lucille takes another, more direct tact.

Bad Mother Quote:

“Oh please. I’ve been drinking since before you were born, so if alcohol is the reason I’m here, I got news for you bub. It’s the only reason you’re here too.”

Mother’s Day Worthy?

Unless it’s a bottle of her favourite champagne, we don’t think Lucille will appreciate any gifts this year. Best to leave her and the liquor cabinet alone to celebrate Mother’s Day together.

Cersei Lannister – Game of Thrones

Bad Mother Moment:

A mother/son heart-to-heart with Joffrey doesn’t exactly produce the warm & fuzzies you’d expect from a chat like this. Instead of motherly advice like, “everybody deserves a chance” and “be kind to all” she goes with a, shall we say, more cutthroat approach.

Bad Mother Quote:

“Everyone who isn’t us is an enemy”

Mother’s Day Worthy?

err…the woman who killed her husband and her best friend, planned massacres, despises one brother, sleeps with the other, and worst of all, had an innocent direwolf murdered for no reason?! 

We are going to take a pass on breakfast in bed and flowers for Cersei this Mother’s Day.

Moira Rose – Schitt’s Creek

Bad Mother Moment:

We all want to do kind favours for our dear old mums. But when Moira asks David for this particular favour, she clearly crosses a very uncrossable line in a Mother and Son relationship.

Bad Mother Quote:

“I’m afraid you and I have arrived at an awkward moment in our parent-child relationship. It seems that there are some nude photographs of me on the internet, and I would like you to search for them.”

Mother’s Day Worthy?

We just don’t think we could afford any Mother’s Day gift Moira would be happy with. Besides, let’s be honest Moira’s mothering skills have been rather….Schitty.

Livia Soprano – The Sopranos

Bad Mother Moment:

Sometimes in life, you look to your elders for wisdom and understanding. Just like young Anthony Jnr. Soprano did to his grandmother Livia. He was having an existential crisis and needed some positive words to lift his spirits. What he got was a truth dagger aimed directly at his young heart.

Bad Mother Quote:

“If you want my advice, Anthony, don’t expect happiness. You won’t get it, people let you down…it’s all a big nothing. What makes you think you’re so special?”

Mother’s Day Worthy?

This is the same woman who put out a mob hit on her own son! You’ll forgive us if we deprive this ray of sunshine any flowers and knitted socks from us this Mother’s Day morning.

Selina Meyer – Veep

Bad Mother Moment:

A mother and daughter moment between Selina and Catherine unleashes this zinger from the then President of the United States whose view on men is certainly outspoken for the leader of the free world.

Bad Mother Quote:

“You Know Catherine, men are horrible okay? I mean, I have to just tell you like it is, honey. But men are awful. Really. And the key is to just find a man who’s the least horrible”

Mother’s Day Worthy?

While she is incredibly misguided on almost every topic imaginable, Selina does have some redeeming mother qualities. Maybe we’ll get her a box of chocolates or a scented candle? But we wouldn’t go to much more trouble than that.

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