How to Sneakily Binge Watch Reality TV, the Right Way

Jessica Siu,

Keeping Up With the Kardashians may soon be all over, but that won’t stop us watching re-runs! In fact, you can stream every single episode on hayu. Dangerous.

Something about being highly invested in a bunch of strangers’ lives is sickeningly addictive. We’re nosy and we can’t help it! So rather than fight the temptation, here’s how to sneakily binge watch reality tv, the right way.

Step 1: Wait till the lights are out.

If you’re a night owl, this one’s a no brainer. I find midnight to be the perfect time to watch without distractions. The odds of your roomies barging in, in the middle of the night? Zilch.

Step 2: Toilet break.

That’s right, we want absolutely no distractions from your roomies, or from yourself. Empty that bladder beforehand so you can watch in bliss.

Step 3: Grab your headphones.

The last thing you want is everyone waking up to Kylie’s high-pitched “Is that a chicken?” blasting on speaker. Be sure to head here for a quick and easy guide on how to pair your bluetooth headphones to your Fetch box.

Step 4: Pick your (streaming) weapon of choice.

Whether you prefer watching on the big screen via your Fetch box, on your tablet, or hiding your smartphone under the sheets, there’s something for everyone. Personally, the latter sounds like binge-watching heaven to me.

Step 5: Connect, baby.

A strong internet connection to stream your favourite episodes (or seasons, no judgement here) is a must. But if internet connection is an issue, have no fear! Apps like Fetch Mobi allow you to download episodes beforehand so you can watch without internet interruptions.

Step 6: Reality time!

You’re all prepped and ready to watch your favourite famous family all through the night. No-one or nothing can stop you.

Watch select seasons of Keeping Up With the Kardashians on the Fetch TV Store, E! Catch Up, 9now or stream every episode ever on hayu.

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